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Following ihe successful introduction of “Scheepskennis”. a Dutch-language book on ship’s knowledge, very soon requests were made for an English version. These resulted in the publication of the English-language book on ships and shipping matters with the title “Ship’s Knowledge”. In preparing this book any shortcomings of the former publication were remedied and quite some fresh (relevant) subjects were added. A new lay¬out was also decided upon.

In a very clear and yet detailed way the various subjects pertaining to modern shipbuilding and seamanship as well as to present-day shipping modes and the offshore industry are dealt with in this book. An attempt is made to give as complete an overview of ships, pertinent auxiliaries, systems, rules and regulations as possible. The book provides a rich source of maritime information meant for all persons with an interest in shipping. Especially for basic studies it is eminently suitable for maritime students and newcomers in the fleet. For those employed in shipbuilding, shipping and related fields the work is an efficient work of reference and a convenient manual. Realizing this book could not have been accomplished without the help and loyal support from the shipping trade and industry themselves. Besides pertinent documentation they also supplied expert knowledge and commentary regarding contents and textual issues, for which 1 stand in great debt to them.

alt : Ship Knowledge

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